Nas últimas lições aprendemos diversas formar de usar a expressão there is: there is, there are,  there isn’t e there aren’t e is there e are there. Hoje aprenderemos a usar o passado das expressões there is e there are que é there was (no singular) e there were (plural). Como já aprendemos, there is e there are significam há/existe, assim, suas formas passadas (there was e there were) significam “houve/existia”. Vamos conferir alguns exemplos:


There was an accident last night.
Houve um acidente na noite passada.

There was a beautiful girl in the mall.
Havia uma linda garota no shopping.

There was a book on the table.
Havia um livro em cima da mesa.

There was a very good player in the championship.
Havia um jogador muito bom no campeonado.

There was a very nice restaurant there.
Havia um ótimo restaurante lá.

Observe no último exemplo como o primeiro there (There was a…) está junto com was e significa “Havia”, enquanto o segundo there está sozinho e significa “lá”.


There were too many people here yesterday.
Havia muitas pessoas aqui ontem.

There were no problems in your article.
Não havia problemas no seu artigo.

There were many good books in the library.
Havia muitos livros bons na biblioteca.

There were 250 rooms in the hotel.
Havia 250 quartos no hotel.

There were many places to visit.
Havia muitos lugares para visitar.

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